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We are already living in the Matrix, claims former international digital marketer Anastasia Dedyukhina. 

In her entertaining and scientifically backed book "Homo distractus: Fight for your choices and identity in the digital age" Anastasia shows, how an uncontrolled usage of technology is taking away our choices, freedoms and identities without us realizing it. 
As tech companies try to convince us that we are powerless without tech for the sake of making money, our gadgets have become our masters, instead of our tools. 
​This is not an anti-tech book. It's the book to help you claim back your freedom and choices and establish control over your devices.

Homo Distractus shows you both a practical and science-backed way to live a more meaningful and fulfilled life without giving up tech altogether. Thanks to better managing your relationships with your devices, you will have more time and energy to do things that matter to you, and form better and deeper relationships with people around you.

The book combines the latest neuroscience research with personal stories of people trying to put technology back in its place, and offers 30 practical daily challenges, helping a reader to find a balance between their online and offline lives, while enjoying the benefits that technology has to offer.


Homo Distractus Book

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In Homo Distractus, you will find answers to the following questions:

  • How can I stop being afraid of missing out?

  • How much technology is too much?

  • How can I unplug, but at the same time not lose the connection with my social circle?

  • How can I have a balanced use of technology in my life?

  • ​Should I give devices to my kids, and how do I get them off the iPad?

Our Readers Say

"Hey! Absolutely loved your book; I'm an education academic in London and I've been recommending it to a lot of my student teachers who are wondering how best to respond to their students who are stressed/tech-addicted/unable to focus, and also to limit their own distractions as well.
I'm also glad you included the bit on online porn as my partner is a headteacher and has been wondering how best to address this problem with the kids in his school. Your stats and info have given him some ammunition.
For myself, I've been trying to finish my doctoral thesis and have realized through your book that it's not Ritalin or coffee I need, it's to log out of the damned Facehole and stay out of it, and remember that every time I resist, my brain is rewiring itself in the right direction. I feel a lot happier, calmer and more productive already. Thank you!
No need to respond... wouldn't want to increase your email load. Just wanted to let you know about this happy customer. ”

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